
Business stepping up on water: 的 first ever 世界水论坛 工作日 was 在巴西利亚举行 as WBCSD launched the 行政总裁用水指南

发表: 2018年3月21日
作者: 塔蒂阿娜Fedotova
类型: 洞察力

世界水论坛 这是世界上最大的以水为中心的聚会吗, taking place every three years and bridging political, 公民和主题进程. 今年的版本, 在巴西利亚举行, 巴西以“共享水资源”为主题, 看到了进一步的创新-论坛的第一次 工作日, jointly organized by our 全球网络 partner BCSD Brazil / CEBDS, the Confederation of National Industry (CNI) and UN Global Compact Brazil, 与世界文化及文化事务署的国际伙伴合作, 首席执行官水资源任务和CDP.

A historic day like this sends a strong message about the distance that business has traveled in its awareness and knowledge about water risks and challenges. 水现在被视为解决问题的杠杆, supporting the continuity and resilience of business’ own operations. 的se solutions also directly contribute to broader societal efforts in areas including health, 减贫, 生态系统保护和其他, under the umbrella of the Sustainable 发展 Goals.


的 Brazilian context is a highly topical one to hold these important discussions. 的 Amazon basin, mostly located in Brazil, provides 18% of the world’s freshwater resources. 尽管如此, water is often not available where and when it is needed in the country, be it for the country’s 85% urban population or to irrigate the crops on which the country is strongly dependent for its exports. Many cities, not least Sao Paulo and Brasilia, are sadly well familiar with water rationing. 在一些地区, water scarcity is so severe that up to 20% of the population is expected to migrate in the coming 10 years because of drought. 水质一直在稳步下降, and the uncertainty of overall water availability is growing by the day, 尤其是由于气候变化, while close to 40% of water is lost during distribution.


One part of 工作日 - a workshop on the circular business case for water, co-organized by CEBDS and WBCSD - saw rich conversation on these issues. 与会者的结论是,强有力的监管, 创新融资, multi-stakeholder approaches to build trust and proper water valuation and pricing can both scale-up the 实施5R解决方案 (减少, 重用, 回收, 补充, recover resources) and lead to sound water management practices in general.

Recognizing the magnitude of the challenges and urgency for solutions, a group of Brazilian companies used the opportunity of the 世界水论坛 to make a 公开承诺 水安全. 的承诺, 由BCSD巴西/ CEBDS倡导, brings together companies committed to integrating water into their business strategies, 减少用水,减低用水风险, 处理和再利用他们使用的水, contributing to the conservation of water basins by investing in natural infrastructure and increasing irrigation efficiency. 的承诺 also underscores the need to recognize the need to measure and communicate water management, while developing watershed and supply chain-wide solutions.


Steps for action like these are further outlined in WBCSD’s new 行政总裁用水指南, which was launched in Brasilia during 工作日 by WBCSD COO & 副总裁彼得·怀特. 《正规博彩十大网站》列出了水的商业案例, outlining physical and non-physical water-related risks and presenting significant business opportunities connected to water, 包括增强韧性和市场增长.

该指南的前言由WBCSD主席签署 阳光Verghese (联合创始人 & 首席执行官奥兰(Olam)也是如此 伊万德梅内塞斯 (首席执行官,帝亚吉欧), Gilbert Ghostine (首席执行官,Firmenich), Magdi Batato (执行副总裁 & 雀巢公司运营主管 因陀罗K. 努伊 (百事公司董事长兼首席执行官) 安东尼·弗雷 (CEO, Veolia) alongside Peter Bakker as President and CEO, WBCSD.

“水 should be a priority in the boardroom of every company in the world”, 他们在前言中争论. “水 is central to the achievement of the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable 发展 Goals. We encourage (every business leader) to show leadership and become a sound water steward by stepping up to one of the most pressing sustainability challenges we face”.

“能做到吗? 是的. 一定要做吗? 是的. 它需要每个人的行动吗? Absolutely yes” was a passionate plea by Olga Reyes, 拉丁美洲公共事务和传播副总裁, 可口可乐公司, 在商业日的领导小组会议上发表讲话.

Leading businesses today recognize that the materiality of water is clear and urgent. 的y act accordingly to address shared risks and seize opportunities to become sound water stewards. 这种方式, they contribute to addressing one of the most pressing sustainability challenges that the world is facing, which is critical not only for ensuring continuity and resilience of business, 但也, 非常重要的是, 为世界的稳定, 繁荣与和平.

WBCSD will continue to represent and amplify the voice of its member companies as forward-thinking businesses on water in global fora and policy platforms while providing leadership opportunities to advance the strategic business case for action and collaboration on water. 

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